February 14th is one of the most beloved — and dreaded — days of the year. And while time is running out to plan a romantic dinner at a restaurant, there are still plenty of fun, creative ways to show your loved one, friends or family how much you care about them.

While restaurants will likely be booked up by now, if you’re not too picky about the place to go, many restaurants will have last minute cancellations so it’s worth calling around.

One alternative is to cook dinner at home. And it doesn’t need to be just like any other day — there are plenty of creative ways to make it a special one. Printing out menus, lighting candles, having a picnic (if you live in a warmer climate) or planning a cute activity, like DIY crafts, are all special ways to celebrate the evening and make it unique.

If you’re spending the evening with friends especially, consider a wine-painting night. Have each guest bring their favorite bottle, a different color of paint and a brush and take turns posing for one another. Other ideas include learning a group dance routine, creating a DIY karaoke room and learning henna. 

Finally, think of tomorrow as a special day to do the things you never have time to do. Go to the cinema, a museum or art gallery or play laser tag — Valentine’s Day has no limits! If you’re planning an evening out, GO Boston is your last minute transportation provider for this special holiday.